
An orphan boy, a homeless dog and the touching story behind it

If you ever need proof that dog is man’s best friend, look no further than Instagram . The social media site has no shortage of picture-perfect pups, as many doting dog owners share snapshots of life with their four-legged friends. While some go on adventures together and others dress alike , Reagan the labradoodle and “Little Buddy”—his family’s foster 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥—do both.

Reagan was adopted by Oregon resident Sandi Swiridoff when he was just 11 months old. Swiridoff was overjoyed when the puppy—a cross between a Labrador Retriever and a Poodle—instantly hit it off with another special 11-month-old: her foster grand𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥. “There was that instant bond,” Swiridoff told. “They just loved each other from day one.” From snuggling in bed and throwing miniature pajama parties to strolling outside and lounging by the lake, the duo does everything together—and, with their matching clothes and costumes, they do it in style.

Children with poor circumstances are often very warm and know how to share with everyone. The dog Reagan and the little boy Buddy are no exception. These two close friends were both adopted by Sandi Swiridoff from the US at a young age. Sandi said that after the loss of her daughter’s two 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren, Reagan and Buddy came to the Swiridoff family as a special gift from God.


The dog Reagan is very good with everyone, especially 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren, so it’s not surprising that Buddy has to ask his 4-legged best friend to do whatever he does. From playing on the swing, drinking milk or playing on the swing in the garden, Reagan never left Buddy half a step. So touched by this sweet friendship, Mrs. Swiridoff decided to keep all the lovely pictures of Buddy and Reagan and share them on Instagram. Each innocent and innocent photo of the best friends conveys messages of love and touches the hearts of many people.


Understandably overwhelmed with cuteness, Swiridoff began documenting their heartwarming bond on her Instagram page, Reagandoodle. Now, two years later, the account has over 125,000 followers. Its popularity has also given way to an Etsy shop, where Swiridoff will be selling her still-in-progress picture book about Reagan’s relationship with Little Buddy. The book is set to bring attention to the the importance of foster care, and proceeds will benefit Foster Parents’ Night Out, a non-profit organization. “I feel like it’s a story that needs to be told in addition to cute pictures,” Swiridoff explained. “The good that they’ve been able to do for each other, and for foster kids everywhere.”


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