Mumbai: Actress Priyanka Chopra is currently in Paris for Jeth Joe Jonas and Jethani Sophie Turner’s wedding. At the same time, now Priyanka’s mother Madhu Chopra has also joined her. Recently, some pictures of Priyanka with her husband Nick Jonas and mother Madhu have surfaced. The three are seen taking a leisurely stroll in the French capital. Nikyanka’s photos have caused a stir on social media.
Meanwhile, Priyanka looked very hot and glamorous in a pink blazer and pencil skirt with a stunning white crop top. Holding her husband’s hand, she posed for the paparazzi in a stylish manner. To complete her look, Priyanka has worn maroon lipstick with a ponytail, which is adding a touch of glamor to her look.
Along with this, she carried a mini box handbag in black shades and hands. Overall this look of Priyanka was commendable. In the pictures, Nick White looked handsome and cool as always in a black t-shirt with black pants and a white jacket.
At the same time, Madhu is looking very good in jogging with flower pretend top. Seeing Madhu, Priyanka welcomed her mother by hugging her. Nick’s special bonding with Priyanka and mother-in-law Madhu can be seen in the pictures. In these latest pictures, Nick is seen taking care of his wife.
Priyanka is often in the headlines for her fashion sense. Her every look and style is quite different from herself. The Desi girl makes a style statement in whatever she carries. After marriage, Priyanka is often spotted in the best outfits. As soon as her look comes out, it goes viral on social media.
Talking about the work front, Priyanka is also ready for her Bollywood comeback. She will be seen in Sonali Bose’s ‘The Sky is Pink’. The shooting of the film has already started. The film will release on October 11 this year.