
The inspiring tale of a dog that was abandoned and his path to healing.

Many injured strays living on the streets meet individuals who want to help them, but they don’t always have the resources.

Scooter, the puppy, had suffered a serious injury, and someone had attempted to help him but had been unable to complete the therapy for whatever reason.

She was in awful shape when she was discovered on the streets of Kolkata, India. His rear legs were wrapped, making it impossible for him to move, and one of his numerous wounds had grown septic and was being devoured by maggots.

When good Samaritans discovered her, they assumed she had been mauled by another dog.

Scooter was gently picked up and sent to an animal hospital where she was treated for two fractured hind legs and septic wounds. This poor dog’s path to recovery was long.

Scooter was finally ready to join a family after months of treatment.

According to Paw My Gosh, Alexandra Gade cared for Scooter for months before transferring her to Virginia to live with her new family, who nicknamed her Dobby.

Dobby suffered greatly as a puppy while living on the streets and now wears the scars to show it.

By sharing this story, you can help us honor the animal heroes who rescued, cared for, and eventually adopted her.

In the video below, you can see Dobby’s incredible recovery.

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