
The Resplendent Bird with Shimmering Collar and Mottled Chest: A Glimpse of Nature’s Artistry

The green and black fruiteater is a plump bird with a somewhat stocky build that measures approximately 18 cm (7 in). It is known for its striking combination of yellow and green feathers, which makes it stand out amidst other chunky birds.

Endemic to Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Venezuela, these birds prefer to live in subtropical or tropical moist mountain forests on the eastern side of the Andes in South America. They feed mainly on fruits, including species of the Chloranthaceae (Hedyosmum sp.), Ericaceae, and Melastomataceae families. It is thought that, like other species of cotinga, it may possibly eat some species of animal.

During the breeding season between January and July in the Central and Western mountain ranges, the green and black fruiteater builds a cup-shaped nest with moss and small roots on bushes 1 or 2 meters high. The female lays two creamy eggs flecked with reddish-brown dots.

Male green and black fruiteaters have black heads, throats, and chests with green and mid-green upperparts, with pale tips to the tertial feathers of the wings. There is a yellow rim to the dark chest, and the underparts are otherwise yellowish, usually mottled or streaked with green. The female is similar to the male except her head is green instead of black, along with the absence of the yellow necklace. Both males and females have an orange-red bill and legs.

Despite their beauty, the green and black fruiteater’s population is considered to be of least concern on their website. Check out the video below for a closer look at this fascinating bird.

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