Ancient Gods’ Gold: Why did the Anunnaki value gold so highly?

Ancient Astronaut Theorists claim that, in the distant past, the advanced extraterrestrial beings once came to Earth in search of gold, and influenced our civilization to the core….

Roman Mosaic Floor in Perfect Condition Found Under Italian Vineyard

Archaeologists in Italy have made a remarkable discovery, uncovering an exquisite and remarkably well-preserved Roman mosaic floor beneath a vineyard. This find has left experts astounded by its…

Discovering 5 hidden treasures in abandoned places with Ginho da Selva

Exploring abandoned places can be an exciting adventure, and sometimes it can lead to surprising discoveries. In this article, we will delve into five lucky fortunes that have…

An old Roman sarcophagus was discovered in London.

LONDON, ENGLAND—BBC N𝚎ws r𝚎ports that a 1,600-y𝚎ar-old Roman sarcophagus with an op𝚎n𝚎d lid was un𝚎arth𝚎d at a construction sit𝚎 on Swan Str𝚎𝚎t in c𝚎ntral London. An infant’s bon𝚎s…

Life After Death: Astronomers Discover a Mysterious Planet That Shouldn’t Exist

The Jupiter-like planet Halla survived its sun Baekdu’s expansion into a red giant, a process that should have engulfed it, according to astronomers from the University of Hawaii….

First Images of Saturn from the JWST Are Coming

It’s Saturn’s turn. The JWST is aiming its powerful, gold-coated, segmented beryllium mirror at our Solar System’s second-largest, and perhaps most striking, planet. So far, we’ve only got…

When Quasar was 860 million years old, it had 1.4 billion times the mass of the sun

It wasn’t long after the Big Bang that early galaxies began changing the Universe. Less than a billion years later, they had already put on a lot of weight….

860 Million-Year-Old Quasar Had Already Amassed 1.4 Billion Times the Mass of the Sun

It wasn’t long after the Big Bang that early galaxies began changing the Universe. Less than a billion years later, they had already put on a lot of weight….

Louder Than Expected: Gravitational Waves From Merging Supermassive Black Holes “Heard” for First Time

Following 15 years of observing pulsars, the NANOGrav collaboration has detected gravitational waves stronger than ever before, likely produced by supermassive black hole pairs. This groundbreaking discovery presents…

Huge gold hoard discovered in the Philippines – Excavation reveals treasure buried for centuries.

A teaм of treasure hunters recently announced on YouTuƄe that they discoʋered a cache of World War II loot in a reмote part of the Philippines. After searching…