Observe Comet E1 Atlas in the July Sky

Comet C/2023 E1 ATLAS skirts the northern pole for summer northern hemisphere observers. When it comes to comets, even the best predictions may often betray reality. Bright comets may…

Cataclysm in the Cosmos: Princeton Researchers Unmask the Violent Origins of the Geminids Meteor Shower

Illustration of the Parker Solar Probe spacecraft approaching the sun. Princeton scientists used NASA’s Parker Solar Probe data to deduce a violent, catastrophic event—such as a high-speed collision…

Before the human race, these 4 ancient civilizations were already present on Earth.

Ancient civilizations that vanished long before humanity arrived on the planet. Muldashev is convinced that a civilisation older than ours exists, and his views are backed up by…

Top-secret expedition to Egypt where they discovered a 13,000-year-old alien mummy.

In the 1960s, the KGB reportedly undertook an expedition to Egypt where they discovered the bones of an alien in an Egyptian tomb. The mission was organized by…

Investigating Daily Life in Ancient Iklaina: Unveiling the Hidden City

The excavation at Iklaina, a Bronze Age city in Greece, is providing valuable insights into the daily lives of the general population of the Mycenaean civilization. The excavation…

The Astonishing Dinosaur Unearthed (Unintentionally) by Miners in Canada.

This experienced plant-eater lumbered through what is now Western Canada about 110 million years ago until a flooded river swept it into the open sea. The dinosaur’s undersea…

Israel’s Introducing Treasure Underwater: The Intriguing Tale of the Biggest Stash of Gold Currency in Israel

Deep beneath the crystal-clear waters of the Mediterranean Sea lies an extraordinary discovery that has captivated the world – the largest stash of gold currency ever found in…

Astronomers Discover the Last Three Planets NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope Observed Before Going Dark

With the help of citizen scientists, astronomers discovered what may be the last three planets that the Kepler Space Telescope saw before it was retired. This illustration depicts…

The Solar System was almost destroyed by a nearby supernova before it could form

Way back in time, about 4.6 billion years ago, our Sun and planets were busily forming nestled inside a cloud of gas and dust. Not far away, a…

4,000-Year-Old Skeletons Of Mother Clutching A Child To Her Chest At China

The loving embrace of a mother and 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥 has lasted 4,000 years, as Chinese archaeologists found when they discovered their interlocked skeletons. The mother is believed to have…