
30 Plants that Don’t Need Sunlight | Best Indoor Plants

There are Plants that Grow Without Sunlight and need indirect exposure. Some even thrive in artificial light and Grow Best Indoors!

The obvious thing that everyone knows is the fact that plants need some light to grow. They can’t grow or develop properly without the proper amount of light. Luckily there are Plants that Grow Without Sunlight, and can thrive in low-light indoor conditions. When you are looking for such plants, choose ones that are known for their ability to grow in indirect light.

They are ideal shade-loving plants, naturally growing in the indirect sun. These plants adapt well to the smaller amount of light and thrive normally. To make your search easier, we’ve listed the Best Plants to Grow Indoors.

List of Plants That Grow Without Sunlight

Do note that these plants need some indirect light to thrive and can’t grow in complete darkness.

1. Dracaena

Botanical Name: Dracaena

Dracaena is a beautiful indoor plant genus. There are about 50 species of it that you can grow at home. And most of them are easy houseplants!

Occasional pruning and regular watering are important for dracaena. Keep the plant away from direct sun and avoid overwatering.

Check out some of the best indoor Dracaena varieties here

2. Bromeliads

Botanical Name: Bromeliaceae

Bromeliad is a perfect plant to grow indoors; most of the varieties of this plant thrive easily in a container in the shade. It can even grow in luminescent light; if other growing conditions are met.

Here are some of the major problems you need to keep in check that 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁s houseplants

3. Maidenhair Fern

Botanical Name: Adiantum

When it comes to ferns that are popular indoors, the maidenhair fern is one you should consider. The dark and glossy leafstalk resembles human hair, and it looks great.

Be sure to water when the topsoil is dry (avoid overwatering), and keep this houseplant in indirect sun.

Here are some of the best hanging ferns you can grow

4. Snake Plant

Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata

Mother-in-law’s tongue is really low-maintenance, popularly known as a snake plant. It’s hardy in indoor conditions with an amazing ability to tolerate darkness.

One more interesting fact about this houseplant is it’s a succulent!

Learn how to grow snake plants here 

5. Philodendron


Botanical Name: Philodendron

Philodendron, especially the “Heartleaf,” easily adapts to low-light conditions, and growing this is similar to pothos. Philodendron varieties come in both vine and shrub forms.

The soil must constantly be moist but not wet. It’s best if the soil dries out slightly between watering spells.

Here is everything you need to know about Philodendron care

6. Calathea

Botanical Name: Calathea

One of the most beautiful foliage plants you should grow in your home. It grows well in light shade, but the plant is demanding; it has a specific minimum temperature requirement of 55 F (13 C) that should be maintained.

It prefers regular watering (but watering should be reduced in low light conditions and temperature).

7. Prayer Plant

Botanical Name: Maranta leuconeura

These are tropical plants and are a bit difficult to grow in cooler climates.

It grows well in moderate light without direct access to the sun. If the plant is kept in too much light, the leaves begin to curl and wither.

Watch out for pests, especially spider mites.

8. Boston Fern

Botanical Name: Nephrolepis exaltata

Boston fern can become a beautiful evergreen houseplant. Like other houseplants, don’t place this in direct sunlight but provide it with bright indirect light.

It grows well in acidic soil. Keep the soil lightly moist but well-draining. It loves humid surroundings, so mist the plant regularly to maintain the humidity levels.

9. Golden Pothos

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

Commonly known as the money plant in South East Asia, it’s most commonly grown as a houseplant in Asian countries. This extremely low-maintenance vine grows easily without direct sunlight.

Excellent climber, you can grow it even in the bathroom, kitchen, or living room. It is known for its ability to clean Carbon Monoxide from the air.

To know how to care for a pothos plant, click here

10. Chinese Evergreen

Botanical Name: Aglaonema

Chinese Evergreen plants are one of the best plants to grow indoors that don’t require constant, direct sunlight. If you are someone who’s new to growing houseplants, this is the plant you should start with.

Old classic green varieties of Chinese evergreen survive better in low light!

11. Cast Iron Plant

Botanical Name: Aspidistra elatior

The cast iron plant is very forgiving by nature, a great plant if you are always busy and forget about maintenance. It remains very much content staying indoors without the sun.

Just wipe its leaves clean with a damp cloth once a week or so, and provide it with bright indirect light.

12. Orchids


Botanical Name: Orchidaceae

One of the key points in growing orchids the right way is never to expose them to direct sunlight. Coming in an astonishing array of colors, varieties, and mesmerizing fragrances, orchids are your best bet when it comes to Plants that Grow without Sunlight!

Here’s all you need to know about growing Lucky Bamboo

13. ZZ Plant

Botanical Name: Zamioculcas zamiifolia

Not only this plant looks really good with its attractive, glossy foliage–It is a plant that you can forget about when it comes to sunlight and watering.

ZZ grows well under indirect light and absolutely loves the shaded areas of the house. The only requirement is the warmer surroundings.

Check out some astonishing benefits of the ZZ Plant here

14. Peperomia

Botanical Name: Peperomia

What makes these plants perfect for your tabletop is the fact they are some of the best plants that grow without sunlight. Whether it’s Baby Rubber Plant or Watermelon Peperomia–they all have moderate growing requirements.

Place them near a window occasionally that allows them to absorb indirect light throughout the day.

15. Dumb Cane

Botanical Name: Dieffenbachia

If you can keep this plant away from your pets and 𝘤𝘩𝘪𝘭𝘥ren, it can be a welcoming addition to your home. Because its sap is moderately toxic and contains calcium oxalate crystals, so be careful about the placement.

It does really well in filtered light, making it a perfect houseplant for low-light areas!

Here are some of the most amazing benefits Dumb Cane has on offer

16. Spider Plant

Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum

Imagine the graceful variegated foliage of a spider plant dangling down with unique spiderettes in hanging baskets. Isn’t it enough to entice you to grow it? Also, it likes indirect light and is one of the best air-purifying plants.

Direct sunlight often causes the burning of leaves.

17. Peace Lily

Botanical Name: Spathiphyllum

If you’re looking for a houseplant with health benefits, acquire a peace lily. Also, it is forgiving and requires low care. Incredibly easy to grow, peace lily flourishes in shady locations.

18. Aloe Vera

Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis miller

Looking for edible Plants that Grow Without Water? The most popular and number one houseplant in many countries, according to Google Trends, and rightly so because you can also eat the aloe skin and gel. This medicinal plant can grow in direct sunlight, but it tolerates low light too. Learn everything about growing aloe vera here.

19. Rubber Plant


Botanical Name: Ficus elastica

If you are a fan of a large foliage plant, then this must be on the top of your list. The plant never fails to make a bold statement with its glossy and rubbery leaves.

It performs well in bright indirect light and won’t mind staying in a bit of shade, too, what’s more! It also has many benefits that you can check out here.

20. Hoya


Botanical Name: Hoya

Be it a small room or a large one, hoya will look appealing in all! Grow the plant on shelves where its leaves will dangle down beautifully from the pot.

The plant doesn’t need direct sun exposure, so you can easily grow it in rooms with indirect light.

Have a look at the best types of Hoyas here

21. English Ivy

Botanical Name: Hedera helix

English Ivy has small, delicate, and glossy leaves that grow in a dense, lush manner, making it a beautiful indoor plant that can climb walls or trail down from hanging baskets.

As an evergreen vine, it can grow without direct sunlight, making it a low-maintenance plant and another of the indoor Plants that Grow Without Sunlight.

Have a look at the best types of ivy houseplants here

22. Asparagus Fern

Botanical Name: Asparagus densiflorus

Asparagus Fern has long, arching stems that resemble the softness of feathers and delicate needle-like leaves that cascade elegantly over the edges of pots.

This indoor plant can thrive in low light conditions and adds an airy, lightness to any space.

Have a look at the most stunning Philodendrons You Will Love here

23. Air Plants

Botanical Name: Tillandsia

Air Plants are unique and fascinating indoor plants that don’t require soil to grow. They can thrive in a wide range of lighting conditions, from low to bright indirect light, and can be a conversation starter in any room.

Want versatility? These Plants that Grow in water Without Sunlight can be styled in vases, terrariums, pots, and anything peculiar you can think of.

24. Parlor Palm

Botanical Name: Chamaedorea elegans

Parlor Palm has delicate fronds that grow from a central stem, making it a beautiful addition to any indoor space.

It can thrive in low light and requires minimal maintenance, making it an excellent choice for beginners.

25. Bird’s Nest Fern

Botanical Name: Asplenium nidus

Bird’s Nest Fern has crinkled leaves that resemble a bird’s nest and can grow up to 2 feet wide, making it a perfect statement plant for any indoor space. It can grow well in low light and high humidity conditions.

Check out the Best Ferns for Containers here

26. Peperomia

Botanical Name: Peperomia obtusifolia

Peperomia obtusifolia has thick, succulent-like leaves that come in different shades of green and have a glossy appearance.

It is a low-light-loving indoor plant that requires minimal maintenance and is perfect for small spaces.

Check out these Best Types of String of Pearls Varieties

27. Devil’s Backbone

Botanical Name: Pedilanthus tithymaloides

Devil’s Backbone is a striking succulent with unique zig-zagging stems that can add texture and interest to any indoor space.

This plant can grow well in low-light environments and does not require direct sunlight.

Here are Beautiful Types of Devil’s Backbone Plants

28. Umbrella Tree

Botanical Name: Schefflera actinophylla

Schefflera is a beautiful and easy-to-care-for indoor plant with large, umbrella-shaped leaves. It can grow well in low to bright indirect light, making it perfect for a variety of indoor environments.

29. Arrowhead Plant

Botanical Name: Syngonium podophyllum

Arrowhead Plant is a popular indoor plant with arrow-shaped leaves that are variegated in shades of green, white, and pink. It can thrive in low-light environments and can be an excellent addition to any indoor space.

Have a look at the best types of Rex Begonias here

30. African Violet

Botanical Name: Saintpaulia

African Violet is a popular indoor plant with delicate, colorful flowers that bloom almost year-round. It can grow without direct sunlight and prefers indirect, bright light.

Here’s all you need to know about growing African Violets indoors 

Additional Tips

  • Green houseplant varieties with fewer variegations and colors survive better in dim light conditions.
  • Don’t overwater your houseplants when growing them in low light. In fact, keeping them on the drier side is a better idea when growing them without sunlight to prevent root rot.
  • Even if the indoor plant requires moist soil, be careful with watering when you’re growing any plant in low light. Always check out the soil moisture level before watering again.
  • Fertilize your houseplants with weak-strength all-purpose liquid fertilizer once a month during the growing season.
  • Clean the dust particles on the surface of plant leaves regularly to improve their photosynthesis rate.
  • Watch out for pests. Spider mites can be a major problem in dry indoor conditions.

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