
Thе оnlу wоrd this dоg knеw whilе bеing chаinеd оսtsidе fоr fivе уеаrs wаs “nо.”

Marley has been chained in the backyard for more than five years and has not received any attention from the owners. His meals were often Cheerios in a dirty frying pan—or nothing at all-and his water bucket was generally green with algae and garbage.

His owner would slap him on the head if he became ” too anxious,” and the only word he knew was ” no.”He was so mistreated that he could not even remember his name.

But, as this new film shows, all that changed when his owner finally gave up and gave him a house after five years of effort by the beta field workers. Marley’s body was infected with parasites, he was in dire need of food and care.

He drew all the attention he could get while receiving medical care at our shelter. Michael Moss, a beta employee, can’t help but be attracted to the lively little man with an unbreakable spirit. Marley quickly met his family forever.

Marley now has a comfortable sofa to sleep on, a Playmate named Kiah, and all the treats and snuggles he can afford. “I really admired his little attitude-and his Unbreakable Spirit,”adds Moss. “He has toys, bones, sweets, a Kayah-as well as a spacious backyard to play with.”That’s all I really want. “All I want is to be happy.”

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