
Maggie Is Now Just Making A Progress And Has Become A Therapy Dog!

After Being Shot 17 Times, A Pregnant  Dog Survives, Finds Her Home Forever And Becomes A Licensed Therapy Dog, Maggie, a 5-year-old dog, is really a miracle dog considering the difficulties she has previously overcome to live.

His story of courage and perseverance began in Lebanon. Maggie was discovered tied to a box, with a severed ear and her mouth fractured. Maggie was tortured and then shot 17 times with a shotgun while pregnant, resulting in total blindness.

Someone in Lebanon noticed the sad dog and posted a cry for help on social media. When a lady from London read the request, she contacted the Wild At Heart Foundation for help. Maggie was saved. However, she had to undergo surgeries and various treatments before being put up for adoption and reunited with her ultimate family in Brighton, England.

Kasey Carlin, 25, is the owner of Maggie, an Internet star with more than 248,000 followers on Instagram. Kasey quit her job at a dog care facility to devote herself full-time to monitoring Maggie’s Instagram account.

“She has given so many lessons to myself and to others; we all know what she represents since we have been taught them as lessons.”But she reminds me of them every day. Don’t judge a book by its cover, love conquers everything, be humble, enjoy life to the fullest, serve others, you make your own happiness, and you can accomplish anything if you believe in it! Kasey told Bored Panda, “”Every day she reminds me to strive to be better and be more successful.”

Maggie has just become a therapy dog, and she has visited hospitals, nursing homes and colleges, where everyone can feel her serenity and joy. Maggie won the hearts of her owners and Kasey’s other dog, Mishka, at home.

“Every day I am shocked to see how many people are involved in his story.”No one cared about her for so long that when I decided to take her in, it was because no one else was doing it! ”I am delighted that she can share such a good message with the world,” concludes Kasey.

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