
Taylor Swift’s response to the sweet pregnancy announcement from Jason and Kylie Kelce

The NFL family’s fourth 𝑏𝑎𝑏ð‘Ķ girl sparks excitement, and Taylor Swift is among those celebrating.

aylor Swift is sharing in the joy of Jason and Kylie Kelce’s big announcement. The singer-songwriter subtly showed her excitement by liking Kylie’s Instagram post, where the couple revealed they are expecting their fourth daughter in 2025.

Kylie Kelce, 32, broke the happy news on Friday with an adorable photo of their three daughters-Wyatt (5), Elliotte (3), and Bennett (21 months)-posing in pink knit sweaters embroidered with “Big Sister.” Each girl’s reaction to the announcement was priceless, making the post an instant favorite among fans and friends alike.

A picture-perfect reaction

The family’s pregnancy reveal captured the unique personalities of the Kelce sisters. Wyatt, the eldest, looked completely shocked, pressing her hands to her head. Elliotte couldn’t hide her excitement, flashing a wide grin, while 𝑏𝑎𝑏ð‘Ķ Bennett seemed less enthusiastic, bursting into tears.

“I feel like we captured a very accurate representation of how each of the girls feel about getting another sister,” Kylie captioned the post. “At least Ellie, mom, and dad are on the same page! .”

The heartwarming photo quickly went viral, with fans and celebrities flocking to the comments. Brittany Mahomes, who is also expecting her third ð˜Īð˜Đ𝘊𝘭ð˜Ĩ with Patrick Mahomes, wrote, “Ahhhhhh Congrats you guys!!!.”

Taylor Swift joins the celebration

Among the sea of congratulatory messages, Swift’s subtle “like” stood out. The pop star’s public acknowledgment of the Kelce family’s news adds another layer of charm to the story, especially given her rumored connection to Jason’s brother, Travis Kelce.

While Swift didn’t leave a comment, her gesture didn’t go unnoticed, sparking buzz among her fans and NFL followers alike.

A growing family full of love

Jason Kelce, a retired NFL pro, and his wife Kylie continue to capture hearts with their growing family. As they prepare to welcome another little one, the Kelce household is clearly filled with love, laughter, and plenty of personality.

With reactions from celebrities like Swift and Mahomes, the excitement surrounding their announcement only grows. As Kylie joked in her caption, at least some family members are fully on board for their newest addition!

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