
Captain America: Brave New World (2025)

Marvel Studios has officially announced Captain America: Brave New World, starring Anthony Mackie as Sam Wilson, the new Captain America.

Directed by Julius Onah, this highly anticipated sequel will delve into Sam’s journey as he navigates his role as a global symbol while confronting new challenges.

The film also stars Harrison Ford as General Thaddeus “Thunderbolt” Ross, succeeding the late William Hurt. Returning cast includes Tim Blake Nelson as The Leader, setting up a major conflict. The film releases on July 26, 2024, promising action, intrigue, and Marvel’s trademark storytelling.

The plot is rumored to focus on Sam navigating his role as a global symbol of hope while confronting complex geopolitical threats and internal conflicts. With the Leader’s sinister plans involving advanced technology and bio-weaponry, the stakes have never been higher. Marvel Studios President Kevin Feige hinted that the film will explore “what it truly means to be Captain America in today’s world,” making it both an action-packed adventure and a thought-provoking drama.

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