“Bhooth Bangla” is an upcoming comedy-horror film featuring an impressive cast, including Akshay Kumar, Vidya Balan, and Paresh Rawal, directed by the renowned Priyadarshan. Set to release in 2025, the film promises to blend laughter with spine-chilling moments.
The trailer introduces a mysterious, abandoned bungalow rumored to be haunted. Akshay Kumar plays a daring yet comical character who, along with Vidya Balan’s witty and resourceful persona, decides to uncover the secrets of the haunted house. Paresh Rawal adds his signature humor, portraying a quirky local who offers hilarious insights and warnings about the spooky legends surrounding the bungalow.
As the trailer unfolds, viewers are treated to glimpses of thrilling encounters with ghostly apparitions, comedic mishaps, and unexpected twists that keep the audience on the edge of their seats. With vibrant visuals and a catchy soundtrack, “Bhooth Bangla” aims to be a delightful ride that balances horror and humor.
Stay tuned for a cinematic experience that promises to deliver both chills and chuckles!