
Julia Roberts | How Pretty Woman lives and where she is now

Julia Roberts, the beloved star of Hollywood’s romantic comedies, remains a prominent figure in the film industry decades after her rise to fame. Born on October 28, 1967, in Smyrna, Georgia, Roberts grew up in a creative family that nurtured her passion for acting. Despite facing a challenging 饾槫饾槱饾槳饾槶饾槬hood marked by familial struggles, she persevered and pursued her dreams.

Roberts initially aspired to become a veterinarian but shifted her focus to acting after moving to New York City. Her big break came in 1988 with “Mystic Pizza,” quickly followed by her iconic role in “Pretty Woman” (1990) which catapulted her to international stardom. This romantic comedy, which initially had a darker script, became a quintessential love story, earning Roberts a second Oscar nomination and solidifying her status as America’s sweetheart.

Over the years, Roberts became one of the highest-paid actresses in Hollywood, earning significant fees for films like “Erin Brockovich,” for which she won an Academy Award, and “Ocean’s Eleven.” She has consistently commanded between $20 to $30 million annually from her film roles and endorsements, amassing a fortune estimated at $250 million.

Despite her fame, Roberts values her family life above all. Married to cinematographer Daniel Moder since 2002, the couple shares three 饾槫饾槱饾槳饾槶饾槬ren. They reside on a picturesque ranch in New Mexico, where Roberts manages an organic garden and emphasizes a grounded lifestyle.

Though she has reduced her acting commitments in recent years, Roberts remains active in the industry. She has several upcoming projects, including the romantic comedy “Ticket to Paradise.” As she reflects on her illustrious career, Roberts maintains her charm and relatability, continuing to engage audiences with her captivating performances while prioritizing her family’s well-being.

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