
Someone had fastened the poor dog to the tracks; he screamed for assistance to whomever he could find. Thankfully, miracles occurred as a result.

A dog was saved from railroad tracks by rescuers last month, narrowly preventing a tragedy. Now, this lucky pooch is the recipient of even better news.

On March 30, the City of San Antonio Animal Care Services reported a “Miracle on the Tracks.” Animal Care Officer Edwards received a complaint about a dog that was unable to free himself and was chained to a moving train track.

When Officer Edwards got there, he immediately started working to release the Labrador, who was lying on the tracks. The dog’s leash was fastened to the rail, keeping him from escaping and becoming more restrictive as he made an attempt to do so.

The policeman made an effort to win the terrified animal’s trust. He then removed the dog from the track “quickly and safely.”

Just before a train was about to speed down the track, he thankfully managed to free the dog. The dog would have tragically perished if the officer hadn’t shown up when he did.

It’s unclear whether the dog was attached to the track on purpose or if he simply got trapped on a nail. In any case, everyone was just thankful that a catastrophe was averted and the puppy was saved in time. The dog was fittingly christened “Lucky” by animal care services.

You may also likeLucky would need some time to “settle down,” they said at the time, but would soon be placed up for adoption.

“As soon as I saw him, I knew he was the kind of dog my family would get along with. The new owner, identified in the post as Mr. C, praised the new tenant’s calm and unfazed demeanor.

Before adopting Lucky, the shelter claimed that Mr. C took him outside to their play yards. They got along well and agreed they were a good match.

Lucky was neutered and given a microchip, according to Animal Care Services, before going to his new home. Additionally, they say that Lucky’s new owners have changed his name to “Duke.”

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