
12 Cheap House Plants You Can Buy Now! Even Free!

If you want to add plants to your collection without spending much, then there are Affordable Houseplants You Can Get So Cheap! Even Free!

You don’t have to spend a lot on plants when it comes to getting them. Here are some Affordable Houseplants You Can Get So Cheap! Even Free!

Affordable Houseplants You Can Get So Cheap

1. Pothos

Botanical Name: Epipremnum aureum

You can find this popular, versatile indoor plant in many homes! If you also want to include this air-purifying houseplant in your home, ask for healthy 4-5 inches long stem cuttings from someone you know.

Here’s all you need to know about growing pothos

2. Philodendron

Botanical Name: Philodendron

Philodendrons are also a great choice to get free from friends (if they have). Just ask for the stem cutting, and you can propagate them easily! You can grow Philo in water as well. Learn how to do it easily here.

Check out the best philodendron varieties here

3. Anthurium

Botanical Name: Anthurium

Also known as painter’s palette, this beautiful houseplant is known for bright, waxy, palette-shaped colorful bracts and contrasting deep green foliage.

If you have seen this plant in your friend’s or neighbor’s home, then simply ask for its offsets or pups. You can grow anthuriums in both soil and water.

Have a look at the beautiful pictures of anthurium varieties from Instagram here

4. Snake Plant

Botanical Name: Sansevieria trifasciata

You can have unlimited snake just plants from leaves, but you have to request your known person that has sansevieria–for a leaf cutting. You can also take out the pups from a mature plant. Dividing is also an option to multiply it!

Here’s everything you need to know about growing Snake Plant

5. Aloe Vera

Botanical Name: Aloe barbadensis miller

Do you have an aloe vera plant in your home, and you want more for free? This is possible by removing the offsets and growing them easily into new pots!

Check out how to cut an aloe plant without 𝓀𝒾𝓁𝓁ing it here

6. Spider plant

Botanical Name: Chlorophytum comosum

If your neighbor’s balcony has beautiful spider plants in hanging baskets, then you can request for the spiderettes dangling from the adult plant. Just plant them, and you are good to go!

Have a look at our article on growing spider plants here

7. Chinese Money Plant

Botanical Name: Pilea peperomioides

You can fill your home with this good luck plant as the plant produces new ones by itself. When it grows 𝑏𝑎𝑏𝑦 plants in the bottom of the pot, take them out and plant them in new pots.

Learn everything about growing Chinese money plants here

8. English Ivy

Botanical Name: Hedera helix

You can have several English ivies in your home at no cost from the existing plant. Just cut off a stem with at least two sets of leaves, dip the cut ends in rooting hormone and set it in a pot filled with potting mix or place in a glass filled with water.

Check out our article on growing English Ivy here

9. Bromeliads

Botanical Name: Bromeliaceae

If you are mesmerized by the beauty of ornamental flowers of this air-purifying houseplant at your friend’s place, then don’t hesitate to ask them for cute bromeliad pups. Just separate them from the mother plant carefully and multiply them in your home easily.

Check out our article on growing bromeliads indoors here

10. Dumb Cane

Botanical Name: Dieffenbachia

If you like the variegated leaves of the dumb cane, then all you have to do is to ask your friend, who has one, for its 4-6 inches of stem cutting. Dip its ends in rooting hormone and plant it in a potting mix.

Here’s all you need to know about growing Dieffenbachia from cuttings 

11. Chinese Evergreen

Botanical Name: Aglaonema

If anyone in your family or friends has Aglaonema, then you can have one of your own easily for free! As the plant naturally propagates itself by growing suckers beneath the surface of the soil, just take one off and plant it in another pot!

Check out our article on growing aglaonema here

12. Alocasia

Botanical Name: Alocasia

To get a free alocasia for yourself, you have to look for a healthy plant as it produces offsets itself. Just take them out carefully and plant them in a separate container.

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