
Bird chases and tries to eat small snake.

A small snake was spotted in Kruger National Park where it was wrestling a starling. Despite its best efforts, the snake was unable to defeat the bird and eventually fell prey to its beak. This unique sighting was shared by Hanno, a 43-year-old consultant who had already witnessed several lion and leopard sightings during his visit to the park.

Starlings are a fascinating group of birds that can be found all over the world. With over 100 species, these birds are known for their ability to mimic sounds and are usually small to medium-sized with distinct black and iridescent blue or purple plumage. They are social birds and often congregate in large flocks.

Interestingly, starlings have an omnivorous diet and will eat just about anything. Their varied diet includes insects, fruits, seeds, and even small animals like mice. They have a unique feeding technique where they use their beaks to probe the ground and dig up insects.

If you’re planning a safari, it’s important to pay attention to your surroundings. While big cats like lions and leopards are an exciting sight to behold, there are many other fascinating creatures to observe if you take the time to look. For example, you might spot a chameleon stalking an insect, a kingfisher trawling for fish, or even the tiny chicks of the smallest birds in the park. So don’t just focus on the big predators – take in the whole ecosystem and you may be surprised by what you discover.

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