
The Sad Tale of a Neglected Dog Named “Untouchable” Left Chained for Days Until He Reached His Limit

Supposedly, Duke had a highly contagious ailment, which meant that people were advised to stay away from him. He was kept tied to an old and run-down trailer in a Bulgarian town, all by himself. Despite being only 10 months old, the poor pup had been left alone and neglected for several days. Day after day, Duke would huddle under the trailer, feeling dejected and hopeless. Thankfully, a kind-hearted local resident noticed the dog’s miserable situation and reached out to Rudozem Street Dog Rescue. This organization is registered in Bulgaria and dedicated to rescuing animals in distress.

Upon arrival, Tony Rowles, one of the founders of the organization, was greeted by a distressing sight – a dog covered in its own waste and infested with flies.

Tony confesses that he was truly frightened when he encountered the strong scent of ammonia. The smell was so intense that it rendered him unable to move.

Duque, along with several other furry companions, decided to stay at Tony’s household since the shelter was already brimming with animals.

As it happens, the dog’s delightful personality was his only contagious trait. Despite this, he maintained a cautious attitude towards males during the early weeks.

Tony mentioned that when he first approached the individual, the person seemed alright. However, as time passed, Tony noticed that the person was displaying signs of anxiety in their gait and mannerisms while also keeping a distance from him.


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